Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Peacock Dots Kolam

Peacock Dots Kolam
Peacock dots kolam is very easy and simple to draw Ona small place...I have used rice flour, with 11-4 dots (straight dots). 

Towards the upwards decreased to 9 dots then 7-3 dots, then 5-1 dot as I have shown in the below picture.

You can even, give some bright colours.
Hope you all like it!
Thank you!

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Simple Padi Kolam

Simple Padi Kolam for Thai Velli
A very simple free hand Padi Kolam for Thei Velli.  'Thei' is the Tamil Month and 'Velli' is Friday. Freehand or Padi Kolam is drawn in front of the house to welcome Goddess Laxshmi for prosperity and wellbeing.
I'M sharing a simple Padi Kolam with a touch of kaavi.
Hope you all like it!
Thank you!