Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Quasi Equal Kolam

Quasi Equal Kolam
Quasi-Kolam is something seems to be similar but it is not...somewhat similar. I am sharing two kolams with same set of dots...Eg 15-1 straight dots.
This was a task given to all the members by a kolam group creator / admin in facebook. Dots were given and we have to draw a line kolam & sikku kolam with own imagination.
Sikku Kolam
15-1 dots
Line Kolam
15-1 dots
Hope you all liked these kolams. Please do provide your comments.
Thank U!

Monday, 1 June 2020


Rangoli (21-1dots)
This rangoli is from my kolam notebook...simple and easy rangoli with straight line. I have added some colours to this rangoli. 

Steps and dots.

Hope you all like it!
Thank U!