Thursday, 30 September 2021

Collage (Navaratri Padi Kolam)

Collage Navaratri Padi Kolams
Navratri Padi Kolams
Red colour
Orange Colour
White colour
Green colour
Yellow colour
Grey colour
Blue colour
Pink colour
Purple colour
Vijayadashami kolam

Collage Navaratri Kolam

Collage (Navaratri Kolam)
Navratri Kolam Designs
Sikku Kolam (Swastik)
Dotted kolam (Star)
Sikku Kolam (lotus shaped)
Sikku Kolam (Villaku Shaped)
Sikku Kolam (Navaratri)
Dotted kolam (kalash design)
Padi Kolam
Saraswati Puja

Freehand kolam

Freehand Kolam
This is my last year's Saraswati Puja kolam.

Padi Kolam (Navaratri)

Padi Kolam
A green colour based padi Kolam.

Dotted kolam (Kalash / Kalasham)

Dotted kolam (Kalash)
Yellow based kalsham with 9-5 dots. Just added some dots to create a round shape. The same design can be drawn with a Freehand style.

Sikku Kolam (Navaratri)

Sikku Kolam (Navaratri)
A blue based Fish kolam with Sikku on both sides.
Last year's Navaratri dotted kolam.

Sikku Kolam (Lotus Shaped)

Sikku Kolam (Lotus Shaped)
My last year's Navaratri red colour Lotus Sikku kolam.

Sikku Kolam ( Lamp kolam)

Sikku Kolam (Lamp / Villaku)
A Sikku Kolam which is Lamp / Villaku Shaped. This is one of my favorite Sikku Kolam which I draw for Navaratri and during karthikai deepam.
A green colour Villaku kolam.

Dotted kolam (Line Kolam)

Dotted kolam/ Line Kolam
This is my last year's Orange Colour kolam which is drawn with 9-5 adjacent dots. This is from my Kolam Notebook. 

Swasthik Kolam

Swasthik Kolam
Grey colour Swasthik Sikku Kolam. This is my last year's Navaratri kolam. 

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Dotted kolam (Fusion kolam)

Dotted kolam/ Fusion kolam
Good Morning!
Today's task was to create a 17×5-5 dots kolam with Swastik design. This is a Wednesday task  given by Kolam Enthusiasts Fb group.
A fusion kolam with lines and Sikku.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Padi Kolam

Padi Kolam
Good Morning!
A Padi Kolam for Purattasi Saturday. A fusion kolam with Sikku and line Kolam. Tried with a grid of 12×12 dots and created this simple padi kolam for Purattasi Sanikazhamai. Hope you all like it!
Thank U!

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Freehand Swastik kolam

Freehand Swastik kolam
Good Morning!
A Freehand Swastik kolam. This week's Wednesday task completed. Hope you all like it!

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Dotted kolam

Dotted kolam
Hello Everyone!
A simple 7-4 dots kolam. 

Dotted kolam

Dotted kolam/ Line Kolam
Hello Everyone!
A simple Line kolam with 7-4 adjacent dots. 

Dotted kolam / Line Kolam

Dotted kolam/ Line Kolam
Good Afternoon!
A simple Dotted kolam/ line Kolam with 7-4 dots. Adjacent dots to create a line kolam...this design is also called as 'Kelle Mukku' which means Parrots beak.

Sikku Kolam

Sikku Kolam
Good Afternoon!
A simple dotted kolam with 7-4 dots. This is a Monday task by Kolam Enthusiasts (Fb) group. A small Suzhi Kolam in the entrance.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Padi Kolam

Padi Kolam
Good Morning!
Today is First Purattasi Saturday. In South India special Pooja's, fasting are practised to Lord Venkateswara specially on Saturdays ( Purattasi the Tamil month from mid September-mid October).
A Padi Kolam with a touch of kaavi for this auspicious day.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Padi Kolam (Vinayaka Chaturthi)

Padi Kolam (Vinayaka Chaturthi)
Happy Vinayaka Chaturthi!
A traditional Padi kolam with wet rice flour.
 As we all know there are 32 forms of Ganesha.
I'll be sharing a series of different types of Ganesha in form of kolam / Rangoli.
The Vigneshvara means one who removes obstacles and brings good fortune and prosperity. 
First form of Ganesha:
Bala Ganapati
From the name we know Bala means child... Ganesha is in form of Child with four arms holding Mango, Sugar Cane, Jackfruit and Banana...with a garland of Modaks which is his favourite sweet. 
I've shared a Padi Kolam with Bala Ganesha's curved trunk in the centre and his favourite sweet modakas in four corners and some ladookams in four sides. Hope you all like it!
Thank U!

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Freehand Kolam

Freehand Kolam
Good morning!
A Hexagon shaped freehand kolam. A simple task by KE (fb group). This is drawn with 11-6 adjacent dots to form hexagon shape. I've used some bright colours to fill this shape.

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Freehand kolam

Freehand Rangoli
Happy Teachers day to all the Teachers!
Guru  share the knowledge with simple language to his followers / students. 🙏🙏 
A simple Freehand Rangoli for Teachers day!

Friday, 3 September 2021

Sikku Kolam

Sikku Kolam
Good Morning!
A 15-3 dots Sikku Kolam with Nerpulli / straight dots. This is from my Kolam Notebook. Flowers studded on four sides.