Friday, 25 January 2019

Tricolour Dots Rangoli

Tricolour Dots Rangoli
Today I am sharing a Tricolour Dots Rangoli from my kolam notebook. Which is simple and easy, even begginer's can try.

Dots and steps:
Dots - 10-10 (straight dots)

Hope you all like it.
Thank you!

Tricolour Sikku Kolam

Tricolour Sikku Kolam

Today I am sharing a Tricolour Sikku Kolam from my notebook. 
Steps and dots:
Dots - 15-7(straight dots)

Hope you all like it!
Thank you!

Monday, 14 January 2019

Padi Kolam - Pongal & Margazhi Special!

Padi Kolam - Pongal and Makar Sankranti Special!
Namaste and Happy Pongal and Makar Sankranti to all!

Pongal Pandigai is an important festival, which is celebrated for 4 days.
Day 1 - Bogi Pandigai
Day 2 - Pongal Pandigai
Day 3 - Mattu Pongal
Day 4 - Kanum Pongal

I have drawn a freehand padi kolam. As Pongal is a harvest festival, I have drawn pot or panai, sugarcane, Sun and diya to represent Pongal festival.
I hope you all like it!
Thank you!

Friday, 11 January 2019

Simple Sikku Kolam - Margazhi Special!

Simple Sikku Kolam - Margazhi Special!
Today I am sharing a simple sikku kolam which can be drawn in a small place or chinna vasal.
This is a 9-1 straight dots kolam but I have drawn this sikku Kolam in a square shape.

Dots and steps:
9-1 straight dots (all four sides)

I hope you all like it!
Thank you!

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Pulli Kolam - Margazhi Special!

Pulli Kolam - Margazhi Special!
Today I am sharing another notebook kolam which we call as pulli / dots kolam. I have used four colours to my rangoli. 

Steps and dots:
Dots - 17-1 (straight dots)

I hope you all like it.
Thank you!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Sikku Kolam (Elephant Shaped) - Margazhi Special!

Sikku Kolam (Elephant Shaped) - Margazhi Special!
Today another notebook kolam which is a suzhi / sikku kolam in shape of an Elephant.
In my blog I have already shared Peacock sikku kolam, Butterfly sikku Kolam, Flower Vase sikku kolam and now it's Elephant Shaped sikku Kolam.

Steps in the below pictures:

Hope you all like it.
Thank you!

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Sikku Kolam - Margazhi Special!

Sikku Kolam - Margazhi Special!

Today I am sharing a sikku / suzhi kolam with 11 dots on four sides to make a square shape. During Margazhi (Tamil month) we draw rangoli dots or freehand in our entrance of the house and light diya or lamp. 

This sikku kolam is from my notebook ( notebook kolams), I like to try my notebook sikku or dots kolam this year.
Steps and dots:

Hope you all like it.
Thank you!