Sunday 24 June 2018

Simple Rangoli!

Simple Rangoli!
A very easy and simple rangoli or dots kolam, which can be drawn in apartments, even if we have space constraint. Even begginer's can try this dots kolam.

Steps with pictures shown below:
I have used 7-1 straight dots...

I hope you all like it!
Please do provide your comments.
Thank you!

Monday 18 June 2018

Rangoli - Soup Cup!

Rangoli - Soup Cup!
Today I am sharing a rangoli in form of 'Soup Cup'. I have used dots to form this design.

I found this particular rangoli, in my kolam notebook long back.... I have made slight changes in dots and lines to for this design and used bright Orange and Green colours.

Dots and instructions:
I have used  7-8 dots (straight dots)
Row -7 dots 
Collum - 8 dots

Hope you all like it!
Please do provide your comments.
Thank you!